The Ultimate Staffing Solution for Healthcare Crisis Management – Download

When a healthcare crisis hits, the stakes are high. Hospitals need to keep providing exceptional patient care, but this gets challenging when staffing shortages emerge. Should you turn to a Managed Service Provider (MSP) or a Direct Staffing Provider like Huffmaster? Our latest paper dives into the essential comparison you need to make.

Understanding Your Options

MSPs seem attractive; they automate staffing, handle compliance, and maintain access to candidates. But there are limitations – specialization in limited candidate groups, potential communication delays, and an impersonal approach can impede achieving the best outcomes. MSPs also require managing multiple contracts if diverse specialties are needed.

Huffmaster takes a different route. Specializing in comprehensive healthcare staffing, our direct model guarantees access to a wide spectrum of healthcare professionals, ensuring all your needs are met through a single, dedicated partnership. From respiratory therapists to social workers, our extensive network comprises hard-to-find, experienced, and skilled individuals.

Weighing Your Choices

When deciding between MSPs or Direct Staffing Providers like Huffmaster, consider what’s critical and don’t leave it to chance. 

Get all the facts in this 3-minute read. Dive into the MSP vs. Direct Staffing comparison and make the best choice for your healthcare facility.