Huffmaster Ensures Natividad’s Patients Receive Uninterrupted Trauma Care

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The Challenge

Natividad Medical Center (Natividad) faced the threat of a strike during labor contract negotiations. While they averted a strike, Natividad experienced another form of workforce disruption where many of their union staff called out sick simultaneously. Typically referred to as a “Blue Flu,” this type of workforce disruption would significantly hamper the hospital’s services, as the surgical team must be available because the hospital has the only trauma center in the Tri-County area. The surgical technicians calling out sick are crucial in assisting physicians in surgery, preparing instruments, scheduling surgeries, and ensuring everything is in place for each procedure.

When the surgical technicians conducted a “Blue Flu” sick-out they did not anticipate that Natividad had a contingency plan in place in the form of Huffmaster, and that the Medical Center was prepared to ensure all services continued. As part of their contingency plan, the Medical Center consistently communicated with Huffmaster to secure hard-to-find surgical technicians and provide uninterrupted trauma services for the area patients who rely on world-class medical treatment for their loved ones. 

With Huffmaster’s support, Natividad could secure the necessary surgical technicians to keep the hospital running smoothly. 

“Natividad Medical Center is the only trauma center within a fifty-mile radius, so we must have the surgical team here available on site,” said Stacey Scherer, Senior HR Analyst at Natividad. “With Huffmaster’s help, we were able to move some cases and cover the days it took to get the replacement surgical staff on site.”

The Solution

Huffmaster utilizes a deep Applicant Tracking System (ATS) called Bullhorn, quickly identifying available candidates and ensuring their up-to-date medical information. As a result of the database, Huffmaster provided Natividad with fully trained and certified surgical technicians. 

Huffmaster follows all applicable state and federal compliance requirements and is Joint Commission certified—the gold standard for nationwide compliance in healthcare. Huffmaster also offers support in compliance with COVID-19 vaccine requirements and state license regulations, including those for allied specialties such as surgical technicians and respiratory therapists. 

The ability to staff across all specialties enables Huffmaster to provide the necessary surgical technicians with specific experience in OB/GYN, so Natividad could continue to care for trauma patients and high-risk pregnancies. 

“The hospital’s policy required the COVID vaccine and booster, with no room for waivers, making searching for eligible replacement candidates difficult. In addition, the added pressure of California licensing requirements can make it even more challenging. However, our partnership with Huffmaster has proven successful in maintaining the Joint Commission’s compliance requirements, both preferred and mandated. Not having the proper level of on-site staffing would jeopardize our trauma center’s accreditation,” Scherer added. 

The Benefits

Natividad Medical Center experienced several benefits from their Huffmaster partnership: 

  • Being a trauma center and high-risk neonatal service provider, the staff Huffmaster provided further allowed the patients and their families to receive the necessary care and emotional support without traveling over an hour to another hospital. 
  • Huffmaster’s quick response in providing surgical technicians during staff walkouts ensured no disruption to the hospital’s services and no risk to their accreditation or liability. 
  • Huffmaster’s preparation and understanding of Natividad’s operational capacity and compliance needs allowed a seamless and efficient restaffing process. 

“Throughout the process, Huffmaster’s attention to detail and effort in breaking down communication barriers provided a comprehensive solution for Natividad’s staffing needs,” concluded Scherer.